
Hap's application

Started by Hap_me, April 25, 2023, 10:50:49 PM

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In-Game name: Hap
Age: 34
Country: USA
Steam ID: Steam ID: 76561197971881333
How long have you been playing in =XA= servers: 2 years on and off
Why do you want to join =XA= I like the server is clean  of hacks, very good players, and makes the game more fun
And also is full at night when  I play Boston time
Have you been a member of any clan(s) other than =XA=?: Yes/No. If yes, which clan(s)? No
Are you currently a member of any other clan? No
Tell us a little bit more about yourself: I been playing cs since came out actually started with Quick 2 then half life and then counter strike , I work a lot and after a.long day , trying to relax beside hitting the gym or watching a movie , cs is my way to to go for a relax and fun evening .

References (Optional

=XA= Alejo

Hap, thank you for applying.

Few things:

You must have a valid steam account in order to be able to apply. If you have one, please provide the proper steamID.
Why do you have 3 different accounts in forum? (Hap, Hap_me, hapmeee).

=XA= Philandra

He was having difficulty with steam account activation. I deleted "Hap" because he finally was able to get this one through the activation. (He had been asking for help in the XA Steam Group.)  I did not see the third one mentioned to delete.


=XA= Alejo

Quote from: =XA= Philandra on April 26, 2023, 09:58:06 AM
He was having difficulty with steam account activation. I deleted "Hap" because he finally was able to get this one through the activation. (He had been asking for help in the XA Steam Group.)  I did not see the third one mentioned to delete.

Thanks Philly!   Difficulty with steam account activation? Did you mean forum account activation instead?  Yeah, somehow the 3rd account is gone now.

I guess we only need your steamID, Hap...  and then wait for people vouching your application.


Hey Alejo, Yes I really had a hard time making my account and like Philandra was saying couldn't create an account because I was waiting for an admin to approve it and took a couple of days and I thought maybe was a bug/error or something and my account request couldn't be seen and a made 3 of them and then went on the steam and ask for help and Philandra saw the msg and approved the account and about steam account my mistake I was in the rush and I type few numbers wrong sorry Alejo here is my steam account.


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