
Grey Buddhist appying for Sainthood...but if I can't get that, then XA.

Started by =XA= Grey Buddhist, June 14, 2018, 10:52:39 PM

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=XA= Grey Buddhist

In-Game name: Grey Buddhist
Age: Old enough to know better, young enough to not care (over 40).
Country: Merica (translation for Cuddles - USA). 
Steam ID: Leave blank if none.  I'll leave it blank.  :)
How long have you been playing in =XA= servers: Not sure...a week?  Just found it and like it.
Why do you want to join =XA=?: For the tag and to keep up with Cuddles.
Have you been a member of any clan(s) other than =XA=?: Yes/No. If yes, which clan(s)? Yes.  My own, NSA clan.  Personal reasons for choosing NSA.  Used to have a few (less than 10) members, but now I'm Solo...but not Han.
Tell us a little bit more about yourself:  I'm boring.  Don't smoke, don't drink, play games, have a strange sense of humor that helped me hook my wife, who is 15 years younger than I am (of course I will brag about that!).  I'm military/civilian (working for an alphabet, not the one your thinking of), and I've done things that keep the boogeymen away from good people.  I rarely use voice because while gaming I usually have 2 loud kids yelling in the background and a wife trying to beat them in the loudness department.  I've lived/been stationed in most States, and a variety of foreign countries, been shot at by unfriendlies, shot back at unfriendlies, speak 3 languages (English being one of them, the other 2 without using google translate), met my wife (who is also military) by inviting her over to check her email (true story), Play tons of video games, and I play chess  I'm a pool shark.  Like I said, I'm boring.
References (Optional): My good friend Frank, my Aunt Nelly, and my Podiatrist Bob.  They all say I'm a nice young man with mental problems.

=XA= Grey Buddhist

Are you sure you want to do that Mont? 
You have seen me play.  :)

=XA= mont

Quote from: Justwanttobe on June 14, 2018, 11:15:02 PM
Are you sure you want to do that Mont? 
You have seen me play.  :)
We don't care about skills when it comes to joining XA, look at booty for example.


Quote from: =XA= mont on June 15, 2018, 12:36:20 AM
Quote from: Justwanttobe on June 14, 2018, 11:15:02 PM
Are you sure you want to do that Mont? 
You have seen me play.  :)
We don't care about skills when it comes to joining XA, look at booty for example.

**** you... Look at Eagle XD


Accepted! Welcome to XA, Please wear your tag at all times in CS. Happy fraggin... and yes... i love killin you LOL!

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